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Team Interplast
Welcome to your 2019 Team Interplast Stadium Stomp page.
Interplast sends teams of volunteer plastic and reconstructive surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and allied health professionals to provide life-changing surgery and medical training in 17 countries across the Asia Pacific region.
Your generous contribution will help us repair bodies and rebuild lives
Click 'Donate Now' to make a secure online donation.
Thanks so much for your support!
Interplast Australia & New Zealand
Since 1983, we have delivered more than 880 programs across 25 countries, resulting in more than 750 surgical and allied health medical program activities that make a huge difference in the lives of some of the world’s poorest people.
With the support of people just like you, we have:
- Performed more than 23,000 life-changing operations
- Supported more than 70 surgeons and nurses from developing countries to complete part of their training in Australia and New Zealand, including the sole current plastic surgeons in both Fiji and PNG.
- Sent 800 medical volunteers, including doctors, nurses, anaesthetists and allied health professionals, on more than 880 medical programs
- Provided more than 42,000 consultations
Through our work, we aim to change futures for people so they can live fulfilling and productive lives. Help us do more
Recent Donations